01 825 8886

Defibrillator Training

defribrilllitor Details Vital Heartstart training helps to save lives!!! 
Duration   1/2 Day
Attendees  Max 6
Certification  ANTS inhouse certification

Who needs a Defibrillator?

Heart disease is one of the biggest causes of untimely death in Ireland. If a casualty has had a Heart Attack and gone into Cardiac Arrest, time is life. In this situation most casualties will need defibrillation (a controlled shock to correct the heart’s action) and the quicker this is applied the higher the chances of survival. AED’s are becoming more widely available; It is recommended that AED’s be available wherever large numbers of people congregate.  Such places include airports, convention centres, sports stadiums and arenas, large industrial buildings, factories, offices, large health fitness facilities, etc.

Defibrillators save lives, at Advanced National Training Services we train you and your staff to give the greatest gift of all…..…life

What do you cover?

Attendees receive instruction in:

  • What to do in an emergency;
  • Communication with the emergency services;
  • What is a Heart Attack;
  • Recognition and treatment of a Heart Attack;
  • How to perform Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation;
  • First aid for the unconscious casualty

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