01 825 8886

Manual Handling Instructor

manual handling Details This five day Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) Specific Purpose Manual Handling Instruction (level 6) certificate course covers all the aspects of instructing in Manual Handling as outlined in component specification 6N0233
Duration  5 day
Attendees  Max 12
Certification  FETAC Level Manual Handling Instruction certificate

Who should attend?

Those that want to be qualified as a manual handling instructor or involved in carrying out manual handling risk assessments in the workplace.

On Completion:

The course will equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to effectively design and deliver manual handling training in the workplace.

What is required :
  • Highly participative and interactive course
  • Presentations by participants will be required
  • Practical flexibility and strengthening exercises to be learned and demonstrated
  • Practical Risk Assessments for the workplace
  • Course assessment –  comprises of presentation and written exams
Methods of Training:

The course will incorporate a wide range of interactive training tools including ice breakers, DVD’s, visual presentations, group work, individual tasks, problem based learning and exercises with a strong emphasis on practical application throughout. This course is extremely interactive, providing participants with the opportunity to prepare and practice their skills demonstration. All participants will receive a comprehensive Manual and training will be delivered to a maximum number of 12 attendees per Instructor.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):

The FETAC Level 6 award is available to current instructors through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Process. Instructors who want to go through this process will have to submit an application along with supporting documentation (portfolio) showing evidence that the learner has prior learning and experience relevant to manual handling instruction and has met all the learning outcomes required in component specification. The submission will be assessed against the manual handling instruction component specification. If successful the learner will attend an assessment day and complete the required assessments (Examination, Skills demonstrations) as outlined in the component specification. The learner will then receive a FETAC Level 6 Certificate in Manual Handling Instruction. The RPL process is most suited to instructors who have recently completed and manual handling instructor’s course or refresher course and are regularly delivering manual handling training courses.

Progression Information:

English is the language in which training is delivered and participants must have a good command of the English language. If participants wish to bring an interpreter they may do so but prior notice must be given.

This Certificate may provide transfer to other awards at Level 6 and progression to awards at Level 7 in the Nation Framework of Qualifications. Patient Moving and Handling Instructor courses may be an option for those interested in this field on successful completion of this course.

Pre-Course Requirements :FETAC Level 5 Certificate and/or relevant life and work experiences and/or leaving Certificate or equivalent qualifications.



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