01 825 8886

Occupational First Aid Refresher Course

first aid Details Refresher courses are essential for certificated FETAC Level 5 First Aiders to keep up with developments in First Aid practice, and to refresh skills that may only be intermittently used. This one-day course is to the FETAC level 5 standard.
Duration   1 Day
Attendees  Max 10

Refresher courses are essential for certificated FETAC Level 5  First Aiders to keep up with developments in First Aid practice, and to refresh skills that may only be intermittently used.  This one-day course is to the FETAC level 5 standard.

On Completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate up-to-date practical skills
  • Explain new developments in First Aid
Course Content
  • Introduction

Approach and priorities – Shock

  • Unconsciousness

Examination of unconscious casualty – Recovery position

  • Resuscitation

Brief anatomy and physiology of the heart and lungs – Definition, signs and causes of asphyxia – Heimlich manoeuvre – Expired air resuscitation including mouth to nose – External chest compressions – Heart attack – CPR and use of AED machine

  • Bleeding and Wounds

Brief anatomy and physiology of the circulatory system – Control of bleeding – Wounds including amputation – Wounds with a foreign body – Internal bleeding

  • Injuries

Examination of the eye – Treatment of foreign bodies and chemical splashes in the eye – Burns and scalds – Poisoning: causes and treatment

Methods of Training

This course utilizes a range of practical tasks and assessments to ensure participants meet the standard required.

Max per Course: 10

1 day

N.B.: Prior to attending this course we must have a copy of your current valid First Aid Certificate.  First Aid Certificates expire after 2 years, which is why Refresher training is essential to keep the Certificate in date. Please note that if the expiry date on your original certificate is more than 90 days past the expiry then you will have to sit the three-day course again.


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